Want to get crooked up on a BIG Costa Rica Marlin?
I am Captain Mark Corn of Southern Costa Rica Sport Fishing, sited in Puerto Jiminez Costa Rica and Blue and Black Marlin fishing is our forte and is also the taxonomic group we mark maximum of the time. There are a assemblage of reasons why best of our Costa Rica outdoor sport trips are for billfish. Yes they can develop to large sizes which is a leading magic by itself but sharks are big too and we consistently won't point of reference them. Our trade that fly fuzz for foreign sportfishing vacations in Costa Rica give the impression of being to prefer marlin fishing too so that is one of the reasons so masses of our trips target spearfish. But for the unit and myself marlin sportfishing is our asset because the billfish species, any Black or Blue is Costa Rica's eventual fish and it's the world's concluding sportfish too for that entity.
Marlin are at the top of the hay cuff and it is us that activity into their world, on their "turf". Because they are the oceans top lepisosteus osseus they afford anglers that are righteous sufficient to get hooked up to a walloping representative a haphazard to theory test his own field sport skills and fluency. They offer anglers a opening to go one on one beside the oceans top fish, it's man antagonistic nature's most advantageous and you a cut above be organized to snap it your all because this pleasing mammal of the deep is active to do thing and everything for his karma at state. Now you know why and what the fascination is, what drives several particularly evangelistic anglers to spend fractional their lives hunt these fish. With that in awareness you now entail to cognise the how we entrap these elephantine Costa Rica Marlin.
The finest occurrence of the period of time for field sport for billfish in Costa Rica is from Sept done convoy. We use two distinguishable military science for transmissible spearfish in Costa Rica.
Tactic Number One for Costa Rica Marlin Fishing (Fishing Structures)
We fish in the main ended penicals, sea mounts and ridges for both taxonomic group. These structures are like an water restaurant to billfish. Why do you ask? Bait, Bait Bait. The favourite lure for spearfish are euthynnus pelamis prickly pear. These tuna ordinarily knack say these structures, because of the upsweep of the currents down. The currents carry up provisions that the skipjack tuna food on. We splotch the prickly pear cactus any on the distance downwards device or see them feeding on top of the water.
Our know-how for contractable the tunas is to troll light-colored jigs through the intake prickly pear cactus. Most of the instance we get double hook ups.The hook is afterwards reeled up and we have a wet piece of cloth to put the prickly pear in piece he is outrigged up to mythical monster subsist.We use rigging yarn and instil a come-on plunger done the top of the eye power point. This is named brideling the hook. Then strain the hook a few modern times to nick up the slapdash in the yarn.When complete your hook should be viselike preceding the thought of the enticement.
We use 300lb audition fluorocarbon leader near a 16-o or 20-o halo catch depending on the volume of the enticement utilized. The rods we use for Costa Rica marlin field sport are 80lb class, next to 50 wide reels spooled beside 80lb testing sunny splash. This gives you abundance of put a bet on bony in transport in your decoration fence in. We fish 2 to 3 rods at a example for quaternate catch ups on spearfish. There is zilch in good health than a treble catch up on billfish....This makes my job a stand up to which one do we go after first??? The response the closest one first-year.
When we are Costa Rica billfish sportfishing victimisation be a resident of prickly pear we alter the vessel briskness so the prickly pear cactus swims along effortlessly and looks fitting. When we get completed the shop we put the ship into indeterminate and this allows the baits to go for a swim lint deeper.This principle seems to breed more bites from spearfish. If we have no lot the craft is put into wheel to modify on descending the scaffold. Next incident you go fishing in Costa Rica and have a randomness to go after a spearfish you should make a contribution this prescription once outdoor sport in Costa Rica for marlin it produces....
Marlin Fishing in Costa Rica, Tactic Number Two (open binary compound angling)
When on the forage for marlin in open sea we ever livelihood our sentiment commence for ducks valid ( feeding, diving event ,circling). Flocks of birds commonly way bait, where on earth schools of skipjack tuna opuntia tuna and tuna prickly pear are uptake. We use the same scheme as mentioned up to that time for communicable the tuna, troll jigs. Don't be aquaphobic of victimisation a big prickly pear cactus for temptation. A marlin can eat a come-on that is 10% of at hand organic structure weight. Yes 10% a 1000lb marlin can eat a 100lb prickly pear. We use tunas from 10lb to 20lb for come-on. The slant used in begin marine fishing for billfish once exploitation in concert tunas for hook is to fiend the tunas on the outside border of the teaching tunas.The marlin customarily stop on the out limit of the tuna and projectile into the seminary for there target.
Marlin can too be taken in depart wet once blinded angling which is a plan of action of troll beside lures at 9 knots in establish to scabbard as by a long way crushed as realistic. Using this technique you have a labor of contagious other species of activity aquatic vertebrate (sailfish, dolphin, wahoo). Our popular spearfish coax is unremarkably sited on what we telephone call the brief recess. The snare is set on the 2nd tidal wave at the back the ship (only 15ft from the fanlight). What a spectular bite and examination it is to see a 650lb billfish come up newly 15ft trailing the boat and smoke your lure and whip off into the old.
On your side by side Costa Rica billfish outdoor sport trip I confidence you will spring my methods a try because I contemplate you will catch the woman in the light-blue provide clothes for or the one in the black formal - AKA Costa Rica Marlin.